It is important to find the right tightness of your ring. If it is too loose, you won’t feel much, but if it is too tight, it will quickly become uncomfortable. First, let’s talk about the signs. This is not to make the experience worse but to improve it. Here are some red dots that indicate that your ring may be a friend and not an enemy: You can tell if your sexy escort ring is too tight if it causes pain or significant discomfort. Your sexy escort ring is too tight if you notice any discoloration. This is a sign that blood flow is being restricted more than necessary. A certain amount of fullness is the purpose of a sexy escort ring. However, if it is excessive or uncomfortable, the ring may be too tight. As a rule of thumb, if you are not sure if your sexy escort ring is too tight, it is too tight. A sexy escort ring that is difficult to put on is certainly too tight. You will know the size when you have an erection. Secondly, remember that a sexy silicone escort ring will give you more room in this area. However, if you want a stiff ring, we recommend buying one that is as close to your diameter as possible. If you are new to sexy escort rings, start with a stretchy material such as silicone. Pay attention to how your penis responds to the sexy escort ring. You want to feel good in a way that is pleasant and comfortable. If you still feel discomfort, it may be a sign that the sexy escort ring is too small. If you are just starting, we recommend wearing it even shorter and gradually leveling up. It may take some time to find the perfect fit, but it is important not to get discouraged and keep trying. We hope that the first sexy escort ring you buy is the right one, but if everything goes wrong, a little panic can make the situation worse. Applying more lubricant may make the ring easier to remove. If you are having trouble removing your sexy escort ring, taking a cold shower can help reduce swelling and make it easier to remove