Escorts is one of those successful small businesses that people love to hear about.
Founded in 2006 in a garage, Escorts is the brainchild of husband and wife duo Sandra Bruce and Thor Escorts, both experienced retailers and small business owners, along with Marvel illustrator Alex Escorts and graphic and web designer Keith Escorts.
Many readers ask, “Is Escorts’ packaging discreetIn my opinion, it is safe to order from Escorts. When you shop on the website, a lock appears in your browser to keep your purchases and credit card information safe. However, Escorts uses external third-party services to store your account information.
For example, many websites ask you at checkout whether you want to save your profile and credit card information to make future orders easier. Escorts uses a third-party company called Bolt, which stores your personal and financial information, so you can pay for future orders with one click. In addition, Bolt has partnered with several other well-known retailers.
However, if you are uncomfortable with another company getting hold of your personal and financial information, you can uncheck the box at checkout since you are already Escorts. Your information will be stored in the vault whether you want it or not.
Before you tackle the question “Is Escort Spakka discreet? Moreover, the website is laid out, and easy to navigate, and the product descriptions and details are top-notch.
I was impressed with Escorts offering an incredible choice of delivery options. The signature service option is especially good for those who are concerned that their family or someone else in their residence may have access to their escort package. Escort delivery options are as follows:
I chose standard delivery, which takes 3-6 business days. I received my order on December 29th. My package was posted on January 3rd. I received something that meets their requirements exactly.
When paying for products at Escorts, you have several options. Escorts accept credit cards, Amazon Pay, and PayPal. Those who want to make big purchases can also finance their payments through Escorts.
I always say: invest in your orgasms and buy high-quality adult toys. Even if you have to split these payments! Therefore, Escorts is the best place to order the coveted high-quality adult toys you have always wanted.
Apart from the question “Will the packaging be careful?”, many people worry about how the escort fee will appear on their credit card or bank statement. Rest assured. Escorts show discretion when using credit or debit cards with escorts and escorts. I paid with my PayPal debit card, and as you can see, the price is listed as Escort.
So if you are worried that your partner might see the surprise you picked out or the private toy you ordered for yourself, Escorts has considered this by using a shortened name when billing their clients.
When purchasing an escort, there are a few things to be aware of.
First, when you check out, the “Newsletter” and “Save my personal information” fields are Escort. So, if you don’t want to receive a ton of newsletters or promotional emails, uncheck this box. Additionally, your personal and credit card information will be stored by an outside company unless you uncheck this box. Although I was upset about the Escorts box, I was pleasantly surprised to see a checkout option I hadn’t seen before color swapping.
Because some sex toys come in a variety of colors, Escorts offers a checkbox that asks if you can swap out the color of the toy you order. So if it doesn’t matter if the dildo is pink or purple, just check this box and your order won’t be delayed if a particular color is no longer available.
Well, it depends on what you consider spam. I unchecked newsletters at checkout, so I didn’t receive any promotional emails or newsletters. However, what arrived was a bit of a hassle: I received an order confirmation email, and then about 30 minutes later, an “order status” email.