Many sexy women hate to accept Escorts girls. Usually, this is because they have never eaten Escorts girls like a champion. Sure, it might look a lot like an Escorts girl, but it will feel like an Escorts girl when you know what to do. That is why it is always good to seek other tips to ensure that you eat the pussy like the best of them. You may feel unsure about what to do to make it feel amazing. Well, don’t worry. Our guide below contains the seven essential steps to help you eat Escorts girls and make them scream your name in ecstasy. Look at the tips below and try them to see if they work for you.
Says Escorts girls
It’s hard to focus on something and enjoy it when stressed. So, if you like to eat your Escorts girl when she feels tired or just plain full, you will not get the results you expected. Trying when she is the accompanying girl is much better because she can put more into it. Not sure where to start? Something as simple as a bath and a massage can make a big difference. If she likes it, take her to the bathroom, maybe even with a glass of wine. While she does this, light some candles in the bathroom and prepare everything you need.
You should have music playing in the background and have massage oil on hand. Then, when he’s done with the bath, you can give him a slow and sensual massage to help. Best of all, the massage will excite her as she explores her body.
Escorts Girls Position
People automatically think that there is only one position to eat pussy. The problem is that many women find it difficult to keep in some places. They find it easier when they are in control, often on top, so making them lie back may seem easier for both of them, but it can prevent them from reaching orgasm.