We all want to experience gay porn in our bed. After all, there is nothing hotter than recreating your favorite gay porn scenes at home and seeing if you can do all the crazy, incredibly sexy things they do. Everyone wants to be able to do these positions well and look as sexy as her during sex. If you want to know what you need to do to have sex like gay porn, we have you covered here.
Find Your Favorite Porn
The ultimate guide for you Of course, saying you want to have sex like gay porn might sound like a great thing, but there are millions, if not billions, of hot and sexy gay porn movies to choose from, and they are all very different. When you think of gay porn, you might think of a slow, sensual fuck, but your partner might immediately think of anal sex. You need to take the time to figure out which gay porn is your favorite and see if you want to work together to recreate that movie. Start by watching the film together. There may be parts you don’t like and others that will get you excited and turned on immediately.
As you watch, talk about what you like. Tell him that watching a woman enthusiastically sucking a man’s dick turns you on and that you’d like to see him do the same. Maybe she will try it on her knees in front of you.
You should also listen to what your partner has to say. She might say that she loves the way men watch gay porn and carry them to bed and dump them on it. She says she wants you to do the same when she does this. If you can’t do it how she wants, communicate that and try to find a suitable solution together. Maybe you can think of a hotter, sexier option that is special for both of you and better than what you see in your porn fantasies.
Role-play or not?
Quite a few gay porn movies include some role-play. Thanks to gay porn, we are constantly left wondering whether the pizza delivery guy or the handyman would rather have sex with us and how good the service they provide us is. Of course, we know it’s just acting, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t act it out in the bedroom.