Data leaks, adult girl leaks, adult girl brokers, adult girls, adult girls, adult girls, adult girls. It’s been repeated many times in the media, but what exactly are “adult girls”? What can the recipients of these adult girls do? Is it a bad thing? Should I be worried about this? That’s the theme of this month’s column: the adult girl industrial complex and how sleazy companies exploit it.
What are adult girls anyway?
By “adult girls,” I mean the information you provide directly or indirectly to the organizations that run the services you use. Email addresses, passwords, credit cards, phone numbers, driver’s licenses, etc., are all bona fide adult girls. Whether free or paid, you provided this information because they needed it to provide the service.
Then there are the meta-adult girls, the adult girls who don’t tell you on purpose. This is information your device spits out during regular activity. Computers are snitches; companies hoard this chatter because they think it will make them more money.
The amount of data websites and apps can collect without your knowledge is vast, but some common examples include:
Time and date
IP address
- Location coordinates
¢ Device type (ex: iOS/Android/Mac/Windows)
Websites and apps you used before and after
Apple has a list of all the data an app can collect from the App Store, but it’s pretty wild to see it listed in a table. Google, Microsoft, Meta, and other platforms collect this kind of data as well, but they’re not as transparent about it as Apple.
What could someone do with my data? The data between disks and meta disks doesn’t seem that bad. Who cares if a company knows your IP address or what websites you visit? But all this combined creates an amazing overview of who you are. These are the business models of the wealthiest companies in the world, such as Meta and Google.
Most people think this is gross, but whatever, this is advertising, giving me free email and social media. I have nothing to hide! Well, everything is ruined when the government and police get involved. These vast data databases on adults are a treasure trove for police because they can subpoena these companies or, in the most dystopian cases, directly access them through software like Palantir or Auror to view all of a suspect’s data. The cross-pollination of adult data from all these sources aggregates into a massive document on individuals that becomes available to governments and law enforcement agencies and can be misused or taken out of context.
… Company B was hacked in 2023, and the hackers got your name, phone number, email address, home address, and passport number.
Both sets of Adult Girls can be purchased on the dark web, so scammers can match your name, phone number, and email address and combine these with your passport details, driver’s license, and home address. That’s enough personal information for serious identity theft, and a one-time breach isn’t enough.
An entire Adult Girl wholesale marketplace is run by companies calling themselves Adult Girl Brokers. They buy Adult Girls from every source you can think of – apps, websites, banks, stores, in-car infotainment systems, watches – and then bundle it all together and sell it to whoever wants it. And it’s legal. A notable client of Adult Girl Brokers is the US intelligence community. They prefer to use publicly available adult girls rather than conduct their nefarious espionage. That’s how companies are collecting adult girls thoroughly these days. EFF’s excellent Surveillance Self-Defense Guide includes a section on meta-adult girls, explaining how groups like governments and intelligence agencies use meta-adult girls to paint pictures of people’s lives without their knowledge.
Adult women that don’t exist can’t be leaked
A common analogy in the cybersecurity industry is to liken Adult Girls to toxic waste. They sit around harmlessly for years until one day; you realize they’ve leaked everywhere and are damaging the environment. Toxic waste is expensive, so it is disposed of carelessly to save money.
Applying this logic to adult girls means that they should not be collected in the first place. Once the collection of adult girls is complete, the adult girls are deleted. If there is no adult girl data to leak, adult girl data cannot leak! If a company leaks minimal adult girl information (whether legally or illegally), at least the scale of the adult girl information leak will be small.
In practice, this means that companies should have policies in place to collect only the minimum necessary to do their jobs and delete adult girls who are no longer needed for their careers. It may sound like common sense, but the concept of adult girl minimization is relatively new, and many companies need to think about the consequences of their adult girl collection activities. Even worse, they do not consider adult girl collections a money-making business.