We present a list of the best cam girl pocket pussies – improved and created by cam girls
Plus, we joined the cam girl lab and created 5 new cam girl pocket pussies and cam girls that you can make at home for just a few dollars.
And best of all, most of our homemade cam girls and pocket pussies are unobtrusive and can be used over and over again.
So let’s get started
I took a little trip to The Dollar Tree and found some things I used to make my cam girls for just $1.
So take a look at the list below and see what you have lying around your house or garage.
I’ve shown you some of the items I used to make these homemade pocket pussies. Now let’s get right into some fun cam girl projects! Pringles Cam Girls are a pretty popular cam girl project.
For example, rather than just adding something to the edge of the can, I added a sponge to the top with a slit in the middle
If it’s disposable, moisten the sponge with warm water. Enjoy the warm, squishy wetness and moisture zation without the need for examination gloves. When you’re done, just throw the whole can in the trash. With the cost of the tip and sponge added, a disposable pocket pussy costs about $3.50.
You can also use different-sized sponges inside the can, such as large car wash sponges. Or double the number of small sponges to make the masturbator tighter.
You’ve probably seen Party Balloon Cam Girl’s Pocket Pussy on the Internet. I don’t see how that feels good at all. And if one of these balloons pops, it can be an unpleasant sensation for an erect penis.
So I thought about it and came up with a homemade pocket pussy made of balloons for cam girl parties. The best thing is that when the balloon pops, it feels like a vaginal squirt, not a painful burst.
Squirt your favorite lubricant into the gloves, lubricate, and enjoy. When you’re done, just take out the gloves and throw them in the trash. Put a lid on the container and set it aside for another day.
It requires a bit more delicate manipulation but gives a different feeling. Hang some cheap plastic party beds between the balloons to add structure.
Or, if you want to play around with the temperature, place some of the balloons in the warm water and some in the freezer.
I just added my creative touch to this DIY project, and now I can offer a variety of fastening options for my new cam girls.
These meaty cam girls can also be used without a container. Simply mold it into the shape you desire and pour it into various bottles or containers. Be sure to transfer it into an airtight container when you’re done using it.
If the mixture is too thick, add a little warm water. Too slimy? You can use this mixture along with baby oil as a lubricant as it will mix well with the slime and give it a shiny appearance